He could feel the presence of his enemy, knowing that each step brought him closer and closer to his quarry and thus closer to justice. He drew his pistol as memories of his preys past crimes came to mind. He gripped the stock tighter as he thought of the long restless nights he had spent during the last five years of his life. Nights filled with screams, the endless, unforgiving cries of his foes victims. Howling as their horribly twisted and mutated bodies are burned at the stake, forms writhing in the flames as they cry out the name of the man who brought these terrible mutations upon their poor unfortunate earthly bodies and souls. The name of the man who has haunted Witch Hunter Klaus Richter's every move. Doktor Hans Kerdle. The very thought of that monster's name brought a sickening feeling to his stomach. But this feeling was fought down, for as he came closer to the door a sense of anticipation had taken its place and began to rise within him, giving him strength. Finally, within this derelict rogues haven Doktor Hans Kerdle would meet his end. He would pay for the necessary purification of his victims at the hands of the Witch Finder, for although they had not wished for the abnormalities that had been forced upon their bodies, it was his duty as a Witch Hunter to destroy them. His duty was to purify all traces of corruption and heresy no matter its origin. As it was all devotees of Sigmar, his God and Guardian of the Empire. Such was the price of devotion and as Witch Hunter Klaus Richter pushed open the door and entered its dimly lit, dank and stinking interior he thought of how Doktor Hans Kerdle would pay at the hands of that devotion.
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